Giáo án Tiếng Anh 3 - Lets go 1A

Giáo án Tiếng Anh 3 - Lets go 1A


A. Aim:

By the end of the period, students will be able to familiarize themselves with book let’s go and master the program of the academic year


 I. Presentation:

 1. Warm up: Greetings.

 Teacher introduces about to pupils such as:

- Hello, I am Ms Tien.

My full name's Tran Thi Kim Tien


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Date: Tuesday, August 24th,2010.
By the end of the period, students will be able to familiarize themselves with book let’s go and master the program of the academic year
 I. Presentation: 
 1. Warm up: Greetings.
 Teacher introduces about to pupils such as:
- Hello, I am Ms Tien.
My full name's Tran Thi Kim Tien
 2. Introduce:
1. Giving pupils to familiarize themselves with book Let's go
2. Introducing about program of the academic year 
There are 4 units and 2 Let's review in let’s go
There are 2 periods in a week
There are 36 periods in the 1st team and 34 periods for 2nd. 
There are 70 periods of all
3. Giving pupils to familiarize themselves with the terms and icons let’s go
* Let's talk: functional dialogue
* Let's sing: Interactive song base on the dialogue
*Let's learn: New grammatical structure
*Let's learn some more: Related grammatical structure
*Let's move: Classroom commands and action verbs
*Lets listen: Listening test and unit review
*Let's review: Further review after every two units
 II. Homework:
Ask pupils to prepare book, notebook and the things to learn.
Date: Thursday, August 26th, 2010.
Period: 2
I/ Aims:
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to practice greeting with hello/ hi and introducing yourself: My name is.. 
II/ Language contents:
 a. Vocabulary: 
Hello, Hi, I, am, is, what, your, name, my
 b. Model sentence:
Hello, I am (Andy). 
Hi! My name is (Kate). What’s your name?
 c. Skill:
Main	: Speaking; Reading.
Sub	: Writing; Listening. 
III/ Teaching techniques:
Modeling, work in pair, in groups, chain drill.
IV/ Teaching aids: 
Text book, puppets, Name tags.
V/ Procedures:
Teacher’s and students’ activities
_ Greet Ss in English
_ Call the roll to remember Ss’ names
 1.Warm up and review:
_ Introduce himself/ herself to Ss in English 
_ Wave the hand or shake the hand of the puppet or of a student and say : “Hello”
_ Direct the hand to the chest to tell the name: Give Ss some name tags or put them on the desk before Ss and greet some Ss
_ Say “Hi” or “Hello” and confirm that two ways are changeable: 
_ Ask S1 to stand up and the class turn to him, waving hands and say Hi/ Hello, (An).
_ Use puppets to model the dialogue
_ Imitate different voices for the two puppets
_ Repeat the words of Puppet A and guide Ss to say the words of Puppet
_ Divide the class into two teams. Team A keeps Puppet A and team B keeps Puppet B
- Asking students to pratice in greeting and introduce using their real names.
_ Practice
Act. 1: Introduce the greeting:
Hello, I am (Ms Tien ).
_ Hello, (Mary).Hi, (Tom).
Act. 2: Present the first part of the dialogue:
Puppet A: Hello, I am (Andy). 
Puppet B: Hi! My name is (Kate).
Act. 3: Practice:
Team A (Puppet A): Hello, I am Andy. Team B (Puppet B): Hi! My name is Kate
Chain Drill:
- T : Hello, I am Ms Oanh.
 - S1 : Hi, My name is ---------.
 - S2 : Hello, I am -------------.
 - S3 : -------------------------.
- Using the book and showing 02 persons on the picture, calling their names.
- Look at the T’s activities. Look at the T’s book, listen and repeat following the T.
- Writing number 2 on the board and using the request “ Open your books to page 2”.
- Open their books to page 2.
Writing the model sentence on the board.
- Copy down.
- Showing the words and reading.
- Choral repetition
 3.Open your book s:
 Open the book to page 2.
T: This is Andy.
Ss : Andy 
 This is Kate.
Ss Kate.
Instruct students to open their books
F& ‚
Present the paradigm on page 2:
- L : Hello, I am Andy.
- J : Hi, My name is Kate.
Have Ss greet to each other, using their real names
Act2:Reading Pratice: 
Circle the Word.
 4.Production :
Act. 1: Chain drill:
S1: Hi, my name is (Ken). à S2: Hello, I’m (Andy). à S3: Hi, I’m (Kate).
 Workbook: Have Ss get ready to finish the task at school
Ask students to learn the lesson by heart.
Students prepare “Let’s talk (cont.)
 5. Homework:
A. Write: Look at the characters, introduce them and write
Rút kinh nghiệm:
Date: Tuesday, August 31st, 2010.
Period: 3
UNIT 1: LET’S TALK (Cont.)
I/ Aims:
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to practice asking about the name with: what/s your name? 
II/ Language contents:
 a. Vocabulary: 
Hello, Hi, I, am, is, what, your, name, my
 b. Model sentence:
Hello, I am (Andy). 
Hi! My name is (Kate). 
What’s your name?
 c. Skill:
Main	: Speaking; Reading.
Sub	: Writing; Listening. 
III/ Teaching techniques:
Modeling, work in pair, in groups, chain game, Bean bag circle.
IV/ Teaching aids: 
Text book, puppets, Name tags.
V/ Procedures:
Teacher’s and students’ activities
Chain game: 
Have Ss greet to each other, using their real names
 1.Warm up and review:
S1: Hi, my name is (Ken). à S2: Hello, I’m (Andy). à S3: Hi, I’m (Kate).
_ Use the puppets to model the second part of the dialogue.
_ Repeat the words of Puppet A and guide Ss to say the words of Puppet B 
- Divide the class into 2 teams, give each team a puppet and help Ss identify its speech
_ Practice the dialogue, change the role
_ Have Ss sit in pairs, ask and answer the names
_ Ask Ss some pairs to stand up and speak.
_ Have Ss to practice the dialogue in pairs, using their own names.
Act. 1: Present the second part of dialogue:
Puppet A: What’s your name? 
Puppet B: My name is (John).
Ss :( PA): What’s your name?
T: ( PB): My name is ( John)
Act. 2: Practice:
Practice the dialogue:
Act. 2: Speak:
Kate: What’s your name? à John: My name is John.
- Asking students to open their books to page 2.
- Ss open the books to page 2.
- T playing the tape.
- Ss look at the books, listen and show picture of Andy, Kate, John when they hear those names.
- Playing the tape again, stopping at each part and asking Ss to repeat.
- Ss choral repetition.
- T writing the model on the board.
- Ss look at the board.
- T writing the short form on the board.
-Ss copy down.
- Getting students to repeat in 02 forms: full form & short form.
- Choral repetition
- Calling 03 students come in front of the class to model.
- Dividing class into groups of 03 students, asking them to pratice in using their real names.
Open your books:
a. Students open their books to page 2:
Andy: Hello, I am Andy.
Kate: Hi ! My name is Kate.
What’s your name ?
John: My name is John.
b. Present the paradigm on page 2:
What’s your name ?
My name is John.
( What is = What’s )
* What is your name?
* What’s your name?
c. Practice:
A: Hello, I am ___.
B: Hi! My name is ___.
What’s your name?
C: My name is ___.
 Toss a bean bag to S1, introduce yourself, and ask S1’s name. S1 responds, then tosses the bag to S2, greets, introduces and asks. Continue that until more Ss have had a chance to participate
 4.Production :
Act. 1: Bean bag circle
T to S1: Hello. I’m Ms (Huyen). What‘s your names?
S1: Hello, Ms Huyen. My name is (Lan).
S1 to S2: Hello, I’m (Lan). What’s your name?...
Workbook: Have Ss get ready to finish.
Ask students to learn the lesson by heart.
Students prepare “ Let’s sing
 5. Homework:
Write your name:
My name is ________ .
Rút kinh nghiệm:
Week 2:
Date: Thursday, September 2nd, 2010.
Period: 4
I/ Aim:
By the end of the Lesson: students’ be able to sing “The hello song”.
II/ Language contents:
 a. Vocabulary: The names of the characters in the book:
 Kate, Jenny, John, Scott, Lisa, Andy
 b. Sentences:
Hello/ Hi.
What’s your name?
My name is (Kate).
 c. Skill:
Main	: Speaking; Reading.
Sub	: Writing; Listening. 
III/ Teaching techniques:
Modeling, work in pair, in groups.
IV/ Teaching aids: 
Text book, puppets, Name tags.
V/ Procedures:
Teacher’s and students’ activities
- Dividing class into groups of 3 Ss. Asking them to greet and introduce themselves.
 1.Warm up and review:
 S1: Hi! My name is Minh.
 S2: Hello! I am Hay.
 S3: Hi! My name is Lan.
- Asking students to stand in 02 opposite lines and practice in asking - answering.
 - Reorder in 02 lines and pratice.
- Using the puppets to model the dialogue.
- Asking Ss to practice in pairs. 
- Work in pairs using their real name.
a. Review the question and answer pattern:
S1: What’s your name?
S2: My name is (Kate). What’s your name?
S1: My name is (John). 
b.Combine the greeting with the question and answer pattern:
Puppet A: Hello. My name is (John)
What’s your name? 
S1: Hello. My name is (John). 
What’s your name? 
Puppet B: Hi. My name is (Kate). 
 S2: Hi. My name is (Kate). 
- T showing the book and explaining about the picture & the song.
_Ss look at the book and listen. 
- Playing the tape 
- Ss listen and show the characters in the book.
- Getting students to read the song. (No music).
- Choral repetition
- Dividing class into 02 groups, asking them to practice in singing.
- Sing. ( Role-play)
 3.Open your book:
a. Open your book to page 3:
b. Students open their books to page 3:
“The Hello Song”
Group A: Hello, hello, hello!
 What’s your name?
 Hello, hello, hello!
Group B: My name is John.
 My name is John.
All: Hello, John! Hello, John! Hello!
Sing the song in 3 groups:
Divide the class into 3 groups. Play the tape and ask them to sing the song
 4.Production :
Group 1: Hello, hello, hello. What’s your name?
Group 2: My name is John. My name is John.
Group 3: Hello, John! Hello, John! Hello!
Ask students to learn the lesson by heart.
Students prepare “Let’s sing (Cont.)
 5. Homework:
Rút kinh nghiệm:
Date: Monday, September 6th, 2010
Period: 5
UNIT 1: LET’S SING (Cont.)
I/ Aim:
By the end of the Lesson: students ‘will be able to sing “The hello song”.
II/ Language contents:
 a. Vocabulary: (Review)
The names of the characters in the book:
 Kate, Jenny, John, Scott, Lisa, Andy
 b. Sentences: (review)
Hello/ Hi.
What’s your name?
My name is (Kate).
 c. Skill:
Main	: Speaking; Reading.
Sub	: Wr ... to page 26.
Rút kinh nghiệm:
Week 26
Date: Monday, March 7th , 2011
Period: 51
I/ Aim:
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to review all lessons, do exercise.
II/ Language contents:
 a. Vocabulary: Review
 b. Sentences: Review
 c. Skill:
Main	: Speaking; Reading.
Sub	: Writing; Listening. 
III/ Teaching techniques:
Tic – Tic – Toe, Do as I say, 
IV/ Teaching aids: 
Book, T’s cards.
V/ Procedures:
Teacher’s and students’ activities
_ Write the conversation on the board, blind S1, and have S2 introduce S1 to S3.
_ Ask S1 to give the name of S3. If S1 can’t tell the right name, (s)he asks S3 more.
_ Dividing class into 02 groups
S1( in group 1): What’s this?
S1: ( in group 2): It’s a notebook.
Have students (Ss) stand up and count off, sitting down after they have said their number. Have them stand again and count off backward starting with the highest number they counted to.
_ Give the commands and ask Ss to do the actions
_ Do the wrong actions so that Ss must concentrate in the commands
Ask 1-2 Ss to give the command and the class do the actions
 1.Warm up and review:
Act. 1: Let’s talk: Who said it?
S2: Hi, (Lan). This is my friendà S3: Hi, (Hoa)à S1: Hi, how are you, (Nub)àS3: No, I’m not (Nub)
Act. 2: Let’s learn:
Tic_ Tac_ Toe.
Act. 3: Let’s learn some more:
Act. 4: Let’s move:
Do as I say
_ Stick 2 TC 33 and 44 on the board, write letters A, B and circle them.
_ Ask S1 to go to the board. T: This is (a notebook). àS1: point to TC and circle A or B
Act. 1: How to do a listening task:
a b 
_ Ask Ss to look at the pictures in the book, listen to the teacher and answer
_ Play the tape and ask Ss to listen and circle the letter A or B 
_ Play the tape again and check the answers: 1B, 2A, 3B, 4A, 5B, 6B, 7A, 8B
Act. 1: Look and answer:
T: What’s this? / What are these? / How many..? Ss: (answer)
Act. 2: Listen and circle:
_ PW: ask and answer about the pictures 1-6, and give commands with the pictures 7-8
 4.Production :
Act. 1: Ask and answer:
Ask students to learn the lesson by heart.
Students prepare “Unit 4: Let’s talk”.
 5. Homework:
Do exercise A, B and C to page 27
Rút kinh nghiệm:
Week 26
Date: Wednesday, March 9th, 2011
Period: 52
I/ Aim:
By the end of the lesson student will be able to practice meeting someone politely with: “It/s nice to meet you”.
II/ Language contents:
 a. Vocabulary: 
 b. Sentences: 
Hi, Mom! I’m home. 
This is my friend, (Andy). 
It’s nice to meet you, Mrs. Hill.
It’s nice to meet you, too, Andy.
 c. Skill:
Main	: Speaking; Reading.
Sub	: Writing; Listening. 
III/ Teaching techniques:
Modeling, Conversation lines, Living sentences
IV/ Teaching aids: 
Book, T’s cards
V/ Procedures:
Teacher’s & Student’s Activities
_ Ss greet each other.
_ Dividing class into some groups each group 03 Ss
 1.Warm up and review:
Conversation lines.
S1: Hello, I’m Mai.
S2: Hi, My name is Lan.
S1: Hi (Ken). This is my friend, (Mari).
S2: Hello, (Mari).
S3: Hi, (Ken).
_ T introduces the dialogue by modeling.
_ Students practice.
T uses the puppets to make an example.
T guides students practice in group students 
Students practice chain drill.
 2. Presentation:
a. Introduce the new sentence patterns.
S1 (talks to S2): Hi, Mom. I’m home.
b. Practice: 
Students practice in group students, in pairs
c. Introduce the dialogue.
Puppet A (talks to mother): This is my friend, (Andy).
Puppet A (talks to PuppetB): This is my mother.
PuppetB: It’s nice to meet you, Mrs. 
Mother: It’s nice to meet you, too (Andy).
_ Ss practice in groups, each group 03 Ss
_T corrects 
 3. Practice:
Practice in groups:
S1: This is my friend, (Jenny). This is my friend ,(Lisa)
S2: It’s nice to meet you, (Jenny).
S3: It’s nice to meet you, too,(Lisa)
_ Living sentences.
Is/ my/ this/ friend.
Is/ this/ my/ mother.
 3. You/ to/ is/ meet/ it/nice/ Mrs. Hill.
Ask students to learn the lesson by heart.
Student prepare “Let’s talk (cont.)”
Home work:
Rút kinh nghiệm:
Week 27
Date: Monday, March 14th, 2011
Period: 53
UNIT 4: LET’S TALK (Cont.)
I/ Aim:
By the end of the lesson student will be able to practice meeting someone politely with: “It/s nice to meet you”.
II/ Language contents:
 a. Vocabulary: Review
 b. Sentences: 
Hi, Mom! I’m home. 
This is my friend, (Andy). 
It’s nice to meet you, Mrs. Hill.
It’s nice to meet you, too, Andy.
 c. Skill:
Main	: Speaking; Reading.
Sub	: Writing; Listening. 
III/ Teaching techniques:
Modeling, Pick and Speak.
IV/ Teaching aids: 
Book, T’s cards
V/ Procedures:
Teacher’s & Student’s Activities
 - T calls students to come to the board ( 3 students)
 1.Warm up and review:
S1 : Hi,( Ngan).This is my friend,(Thu)
 S2 : It/s nice to meet you,(Thu)
 S3 : It/s nice to meet you,(Ngan)
_ Use puppets to introduce the dialogue
 2. Presentation:
a. Review the complete dialogue:
Puppet A (talks to mother): This is my friend, (Andy).
Puppet A (talks to PuppetB): This is my mother.
PuppetB: It’s nice to meet you, Mrs. 
Mother: It’s nice to meet you, too (Andy)
_ Have Ss sit in groups of 3. 
_ Practice the dialogue in SB/p. 28
_ Ask Ss to come before the class and act it out.
 3. Practice:
Act. 1: Act out the dialogue:
S1: This is my friend, (Andy).
S1: This is my mother.
S2: It’s nice to meet you, Mrs. 
S3: It’s nice to meet you, too (Andy)
_ Call a student in random and ask him/ her to stand up
_ Ask him/ her to point to another student and introduce: 
“This is my friend,”
_ Ask the whole class to speak in chorus: 
“It’s nice to meet you,”
_ Then its turn of the second student to introduce another one.
Act. 1: Pick and Speak:
Ask students to learn the lesson by heart.
Students prepare “Let’s sing”.
Home work:
Rút kinh nghiệm:
Week 27
Date: Wednesday, March 16th, 2011.
Period: 54
I/ Aims:
By the end of the lesson students will be able to know the content of the song “The family song” and practice listening skill 
II- Language content
 a. Vocabulary:
 Father; sister; brother, family
 b. Sentences:
Nice to meet you
Nice to meet you, too
 c. Skill:
Main	: Speaking; Reading.
Sub	: Writing; Listening.
III- Techniques:
Modeling, work in groups, in pairs
IV- Teaching aids:
Textbook, cassette, T’s cards
V- Procedures:
Teacher’s & Student’s Activities
 _ Sing a song “ This is my friend”
 Finger_ friend ( Bạn đầu ngón tay) 
 1.Warm up and review:
S1 (talks to S2) (raise the first finger) This is my friend (Lisa).
S2: Hi,( Lisa).( raise the first finger) This is my friend ( John)
S1: Hi, John.
_ T introduces the new words, uses teacher cards 
( family members) .
_ Ss listen and repeat.
_ T introduces the word “ Family”
_ Ss listen and repeat
T guides students practice in pairs. 
 2. Presentation:
Act.1: Introduce the vocabulary:
_ Father: cha
_ Mother: mẹ
_ Sister: chị, em gái
_ Brother: anh, em trai
T: This is Kate’s family.
Students: Family.
Act.2: Practice.
S1( draw a picture) :This is my mother.
S2( draw a picture): This is my sister	
- Playing the tape 
-Ss listen and show the characters in the book.
_T reads the song. (No music).
_ Ss listen and repeat
_ Playing the tape. Ss sing following the tape
- Dividing class into 03 groups, asking them to practice in singing.
- Sing. 
Act.1: Students open their books to page 29:
T: This is my mother
Ss: This is my mother
T: Nice to meet you.
Ss: Nice to meet you, etc.
 Act.2: Practice:
Group A:This is my (mother)
Group B: Nice to meet you
Group C: Nice to meet you, too.
T makes a gesture and talks in a whisper.
Ss guess what T’s saying.
Guess what I’m saying
_ Ask students to learn by heart vocabulary.
_ Learn by heart song: “The family song”
 _ Students prepare “Let’s sing (cont.)
Home work:
Rút kinh nghiệm:
Week: 28
Date: Monday, March 21st, 2011.
Period: 55
UNIT 4: LET’S SING (Cont.)
I/ Aim:
By the end of the lesson students will be able to know the content of the song “The family song” and practice listening skill 
II/ Language contents:
 a. Vocabulary: Review.
 b. Sentences: Review
I like (yellow)
Yes, I do.
I do, too.
 c. Skill:
Main	: Speaking; Reading.
Sub	: Writing; Listening. 
III/ Teaching techniques:
Modeling, work in pairs, in groups
IV/ Teaching aids: 
Book, CD
V/ Procedures:
Teacher’s and students’ activities
_ Divide the class into 4 groups. Give each group 3 cards. Ask them to re-order the cards to make the name of the song. The first to find out the answer go to the board and write the name of the song. The last have to sing the song. 
 1.Warm up and review:
Re-ordering and singing
Ask Ss to sit in 4 groups and give each group 06 sentences below 
Ask them to make a song( 1 sentence can be used several times)
FB: 1-2-3-4-2-3-5-2-3-6-2-3
Act. 1: Re-present the song:
The family Song
1. This is my mother.
2. Nice to meet you.
3. Nice to meet you, too.
4. This is my father.
5. This is my sister.
6.This is my brother. 
- Playing the tape 
-Ss listen and show the characters in the book.
_T reads the song. (No music).
_ Ss listen and repeat
_ Playing the tape. Ss sing following the tape
- Dividing class into 03 groups, asking them to practice in singing.
- Change role to continue practicing.
Act. 1: Students open their books to page 29:
T: This is my mother
Ss: This is my mother
T: Nice to meet you.
Ss: Nice to meet you, etc.
Act. 2: Practice call-and-response singing.
 Group A:This is my (mother)
Group B: Nice to meet you
Group C: Nice to meet you, too.
_ Play the music (Let‘s chant, let’s sing) again
_ A volunteer group comes before the class to perform the song
 4.Production :
Act. 1: Perform the song:
- T asks students to draw your family and write.
_ Learn by heart song “The Family Song” 
 _ Students prepare “Let’s learn.
 5. Homework:
Draw and write:
Rút kinh nghiệm:

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