Giáo án Tiếng Anh lớp 3, 4, 5

Giáo án Tiếng Anh lớp 3, 4, 5

Theme One: You and Me

Unit One: My Homeland

Section A(1,2,3) Period 1

Preparing day: 4/9/2011

Teaching day: 6/9/2011


-Skills: listening, speaking and reading.

-Objective: By the end of the lesson ss can read, listen and speak in English, ask where someone is from.

*Language focus:

-Grammar: Where are you from?

 I’m from Singapore.

-Vocabulary: homeland, from, where, Singapore, America, England, Vietnam.

*Teaching aids: CD disc, cassette, book, pictures


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Theme One: You and Me
Unit One: My Homeland
Section A(1,2,3) Period 1
Preparing day: 4/9/2011
Teaching day: 6/9/2011
-Skills: listening, speaking and reading.
-Objective: By the end of the lesson ss can read, listen and speak in English, ask where someone is from.
*Language focus:
-Grammar: Where are you from?
 I’m from Singapore.
-Vocabulary: homeland, from, where, Singapore, America, England, Vietnam.
*Teaching aids: CD disc, cassette, book, pictures
II.Lesson process.
1.Class organization.1’
2.Check up.
T asks ss some questions around the content of the old lessons.
3.New lesson.
T’s activities
Ss’ activities
1.Look, listen and repeat.
Encourages ss to discribe the picture.
Plays the disc and asks ss to listen then repeat after T in chorus.
Calls some ss to read again.
Asks ss to find out the new words.
homeland, from, where, Singapore, America, England, Vietnam.
Explains the meaning of these words then asks ss to read aloud.
Asks ss to find out the new structure.
Where are you from?
I’m from Singapore.
Explains the using of these sentences then asks ss to read aloud.
2.Look and say.
Asks ss to discribe the pictures.
Asks ss to practise these sentences in groups base on the pictures.
Calls some ss to speak aloud.
Discribe the picture then listen to the disc and repeat after T in chorus.
Some ss read again.
Find out the new words and copy into notebook then read these words aloud.
Find out the new structure and copy into notebook then read aloud.
Discribe the pictures then practise these sentences in groups base on the pictures.
Some ss speak aloud.
Translates the dialogue into VNese.
Asks ss to do eercise 1.
3.Let’s talk.
Asks ss to work in pairs to ask where someone is from.
Asks ss to work in pairs.
Calls some pairs to speak aloud.
Asks ss to do exercise 2.
Asks ss to repeat the structure and read again the dialogue.
Asks ss to learn by heart the new words and new structure.
Do exercise 1.
Key: page 1.4 in T book.
Work in pairs to ask where someone is from.
Work in pairs.
Some pairs speak aloud and the others listen and comment.
Do exercise 2.
Key: 1.4-d 2.5-c 3.3-b 4.6-a
Say the using of the structure and read again the dialogue.
Unit One: My Homeland
Section A(4,5,6,7) Period 2
Preparing day: 6/9/2010
Teaching day: 8/9/2010
-Skills: listening, reading and writing.
-Objective: By the end of the lesson ss can listen in English, pronunciate ‘wh, fr, e’ in the right way, write about their name and where they are from.
*Language focus:
 Where from England
 Who friend America
-Grammar: 1.My name is......
 2.I’m from.......
*Teaching aids: CD disc, cassette, book, pictures
II.Lesson process.
1.Class organization.1’
2.Check up.
T asks ss to say where they are from.
3.New lesson.
T’s activities
Ss’ activities
4.Listen and check.
Asks ss to discribe the pictures.
Plays the disc and asks ss to listen then tick into the pictures they hear.
Calls two ss to say the result.
Plays the disc again and asks ss to check their result.
*Words of listening.
1.Hello. I am Mai. I’m from Vietnam.
2.A:Where are you from, Linda?
 B:I’m from England.
Asks ss to do exercise 3.
5.Say it right.
Asks ss to comment these words.
Plays the disc and asks ss to listen then read these words in the right way after T in chorus then one by one.
Calls some ss to read aloud.
Asks ss to repeat the meaning in Vietnamese of these words.
Asks ss to do exercise 4.
6.Let’s write.
Asks ss to complete these sentences into their notebook.
Calls two ss to write on the board and one other comments.
Asks ss to do exercise 5.
7.Let’s play.
Guides ss to play in groups to listen and point.
Asks ss to say what skills they have learn in this period.
* the lesson.
Discribe the pictures then listen to the disc and tick into the pictures they hear.
Two ss say the result.
Listen again and check their result.
Key: 1.b 2.b
Do exercise 3.
Key: 1.Singapore 2.Vietnam 3.England 4.America
Comment these words then listen to the disc.
Read these words in the right way after T in chorus then one by one.
Some ss read aloud.
Repeat the meaning in Vietnamese of these words.
Do exercise 4.
Key: 1.Wh 2.y,er 3.Wh,fr,e 
Complete these sentences into their book.
Two ss write on the board and one other comments.
Do exercise 5
Play in groups to listen and point.
Answer: in this period we have learn listening, reading and writing in English.
Unit One: My Homeland
Section B(1,2,3) Period 3
Preparing day: 11/9/2010
Teaching day: 13/9/2010
-Skills: listening, speaking and reading.
-Objective: By the end of the lesson ss can read, listen and speak in English, say where the other come from.
*Language focus:
-Grammar: Where is she from? She is from England.
-Vocabulary: who, that.
*Teaching aids: CD disc, cassette, book, pictures
II.Lesson process.
1.Class organization.1’
2.Check up.
T asks ss to say the content of the old lesson.
3.New lesson.
T’s activities
Ss’ activities
1.Listen and repeat.
Encourages ss to discribe the picture.
Plays the disc and asks ss to listen then repeat after T in chorus.
Calls some pairs of ss to read aloud.
Asks ss to find out the new words.
who, that.
Explains the meaning of these words then asks ss to read aloud.
Asks ss to find out the new structure.
Where is she from?
She is from England.
Explains the using of these sentences then asks ss to read aloud.
Translates the dialogue into VNese.
2.Let’s talk.
Asks ss to discribe the pictures. Asks ss to practise these sentences
in pairs base on the pictures asking where is the other from.
Calls some pairs of ss to speak aloud.
Discribe the picture then listen the dialogue then read after T in chorus then read in pairs.
Some pairs of ss read aloud.
Find out the new words and copy into notebook then read these words aloud.
Find out the new structure and copy inte notebook then read aloud.
Discribe the pictures then practise these sentences in
pairs base on the pictures asking where is the other from.
Some pairs of ss speak aloud.
Asks ss to do exercise 6.
3.Listen and number.
Asks ss to discribe the pictures.
Plays the disc and asks ss to listen then write numbers into the pictures in order.
Calls three ss to say the result.
Plays the disc again and asks ss to check their result.
*Words of listening.
1.This is LiLi. She is from Singapore.
2.That is Peter. He is my friend. he is from America.
3.A:Who’s that? B:That is Alan.
A:Where’s he from? He’s from S...
4.A:This is my friend, Linda.
 B:Is she from America?
 A:No. She is from England.
Asks ss to do exercise 7.
Asks ss to repeat the structure and read again the dialogue.
Asks ss to learn by heart the lesson.
Do exercise 6.
Key: 1.Who 2.friend 4.he 5.Hanoi
Discribe the pictures then listen to the disc and write numbers into pictures in order.
Three ss say the result.
Listen again and check their result.
Key: 1.a 2.d 3.c 4.b
Do exercise 7.
Key:page 1.10 in T book.
Repeat the structure and read again the dialogue.
Unit One: My Homeland
Section B(4,5,6,7) Period 4
Preparing day: 13/9/2010
Teaching day: 15/9/2010
-Skills: reading, speaking and writing.
-Objective: By the end of the lesson ss can read the paragraph and answer the questions in English, write a passage about where they are from.
*Language focus:
-Grammar: My name is..... I’m from.....
*Teaching aids: CD disc, cassette, book, pictures
II.Lesson process.
1.Class organization.1’
2.Check up.
T asks ss to discribe the position of the things in the classroom and count from ten to twenty.
3.New lesson.
T’s activities
Ss’ activities
4.Read and answer.
Asks ss to read this passage after T in chorus.
Calls some ss to read again.
Asks ss to answer the questions.
1.What is his name?
2.How old is he?
3.Where is he from?
4.What is her name?
5.How old is she?
6.Where is she from?
Asks ss to do exercise 8.
5.Let’s write.
Asks ss to write a passage about where they are from.
Calls one to write on the board.
Asks ss to do exercise 9.
6.Let’s play.
Guides ss to play in groups to complete the crossword puzzle.
Asks ss to do exercise 10.
Asks ss to say the using of these sentences.
Asks ss to do exercise 11.
Asks ss to repeat the structures of the whole lesson.
Asks ss to review the whole lesson.
Read this passage after T in chorus then some ss read again.
Answer the questions.
1.His name is Alan.
2.He is ten years old.
3.He is from Singapore.
4.Her name is LiLi.
5.She is nine years old.
6.She is from Singapore.
Do exercise 8.
Key: page 1.12
Write a passage about where they are from.
One writes on the board.
Do exercise 9.
Key: page 1.13
Play in groups to complete the crossword puzzle.
Do exercise 10.
Key:page 1.14 
Say the using of these sentences.
Do exercise 11.
Repeat the structures of the whole lesson.
************************** --*-- ****************************
Unit Two: Happy Birthday
Section A(1,2,3) Period 5
Preparing day: 18/9/2010
Teaching day: 3C: 20/9/2010 3A,3B: 23/9/2010
-Skills: listening, speaking and reading.
-Objective: By the end of the lesson ss can read, listen and speak in English, ask when someone’s birthday is.
*Language focus:
-Grammar: When is your birthday?
 It is in May.
-Vocabulary: happy, birthday, when, in, january, february, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, October, December, calendar.
*Teaching aids: CD disc, cassette, book, pictures
II.Lesson process.
1.Class organization.1’
2.Check up.
T asks ss some questions around the content of the old lessons.
3.New lesson.
T’s activities
Ss’ activities
1.Look, listen and re ... irs of ss to speak aloud.
Asks ss to do exercise 6
3.Listen and number.
Asks ss to discribe the pictures.
Plays the disc and asks ss to listen then write numbers into the pictures in order.
Calls three ss to say the result.
Plays the disc again and asks ss to check their result. 
*Words of listening.
1.That brown dress is 25,000 dong.
2.These blue shorts are 50,000 dong
3.How much is that T-shirt?
Asks ss to do exercise 7.
Asks ss to repeat the dialogue.
Asks ss to learn by heart the structure and new words.
Discribe the picture then listen the dialogue then read after T in chorus then read in pairs.
Some pairs of ss read aloud.
Find out the new words and 
copy into notebook then read these words aloud.
Find out the new structure and
copy inte notebook then read aloud
Discribe the pictures then practise these sentences in pairs base on the pictures.
Some pairs of ss speak aloud and the others listen and comment.
Do exercise 6.
Key: 1.pencil.
Discribe the pictures then listen to the disc and write numbers into pictures in order.
Three ss say the result.
Listen again and check their result
Key: 1.c 2.a 3.b 
Do exercise 7.
Key: 1.I’d like a T-shirt.
2.What colour do you like?
3.Blue. how much is it?
4.It’s 25,000 dong.
5.Here you are.
6.Thank you.
Repeat the dialogue 
Unit Twelve: Our Clothes 
Section B(4,5,6,7) Period 53
Preparing day: 06/12/2009
Teaching day: 08/12/2009
-Skills: reading, speaking and writing.
-Objective: By the end of the lesson ss can read to get informations in a passage to answer the questions in English, write a passage about their clothes.
*Language focus:
-Grammar: I like the blue skirt beacause it is beautiful. It is 70,000 dong. 
-Vocabulary: clothing store, a pair of, white, beautiful, cheap .
*Teaching aids: CD disc, cassette, book, pictures
II.Lesson process.
1.Class organization.1’
2.Check up.
T asks ss to say about their daily activities tell about the job of their family members, say about places where they want to go to, say the colour and cost of their clothes.
3.New lesson.
T’s activities
Ss’ activities
4.Read and answer.
Asks ss to read this passage after T in chorus.
Calls some ss to read again.
Asks ss to answer the questions.
1.Where is LiLi now?
2.What does she like?
3.Why does she like the red blouse and the white shorts?
4.How much is the red blouse?
5.How much are the white shorts?
Asks ss to do exercise 8.
5.Let’s write.
Asks ss to write a passage about their clothes.
Calls one to write on the board.
Read this passage after T in chorus then some ss read again.
Answer the questions.
Key: 1.She is in a clothing store.
2.She likes a red blouse and a pair of white shorts.
3.Because they beautiful and cheap.
4.It is 25,000 dong.
5.They are 30,000 dong. 
Do exercise 8.
Key: 1.LiLi and Mai are in the clothing store.
2.She wants a pairs of blue shorts.
3.She wants a skirt.
4.It’s 35,000 dong.
5.It’s 20,000 dong. 
Write a passage about their clothes.
One writes on the board.
Asks ss to do exercise 9.
6.Let’s play.
Guides ss to play in groups to find out 5 different details..
Asks ss to do exercise 10.
Asks ss to say the using of these sentences.
Asks ss to say about the content of the whole lesson.
Asks ss to review the whole lesson.
Do exercise 9.
Key: 1.It is 10,000 dong.. 
2.It is 2,000 dong.
3.They are 90,000 dong.
4.They are 60,000 dong.
Play in groups to find out 5 different details.
Do exercise 10.
Key: 1.shirt, shoes. 2.colour
3.jeans 4.clothes
Say the using of these sentences.
Saying the content of the whole lesson.
	******************	--*--	******************
Self-check Four
Period 54
Preparing day: 2/5/2010 Teaching day: 4/5/2010
-Skills: writing, speaking, reading and listening.
*Objective: Ss can say the name of animals, ask and answer about their hobby, say about the places, ask and answer about the reason, name of kid clothes, realize the colour, ask and answer the cost of money. 
*Language focus:
-Grammar: I like monkeys. I don’t like tigers.
LiLi likes monkeys. She doesn’t like tigers.
I want some stamps. Let’s go to the post office.
Why do you want to go to the post office? Because I want some stamps.
Why do you like monkeys? Because they can swing.
What colour is it? It is black.
What colour are they? Tey are brown.
How much is it? It is 20,000 dong.
How much are they? They are 50,000 dong.
like bear monkey near post stamp blue dress blouse
tiger year Monday bear breakfast shop black drink favourite
-Vocabulary: animal, monkey, tiger, bear, elephant, circus, post office, stamp, bookshop, food stall, supermarket, colour, dress, T-shirt, shorts, blouse, skirt, jeans, shoes, climb, swing, dance, jump, like, want, do(some shopping), go(shopping), because, hungry, red, white, blue, black, yellow, brown, cheap, how much, what colour.
*Teaching aids: CD disc, cassette, pictures, book
II.Lesson process.
1.Class organization.1’
2.Check up.6’
Asks ss to rpeat the knowlegde that they have learn.
a.Grammar: asks ss to say the using of these sentences.
Asks ss to work in pairs to practise these sentences.
Calls some ss to speak aloud and the others listen and comment.
b.Pronunciation: asks ss to repeat these words in chorus in the right way.
Calls some ss to read aloud and the others listen and comment.
Asks ss to say the meaning of these words.
c.Vocabulary: asks ss to read these words in chorus then one by one.
Calls some ss to read again.
Period 55: self check four
Preparing day: 4/5/2010 Teaching day: 6/5/2010
Key of test:
1Check the words you hear.
Key: 1.zoo 2.climb 3.can 5.blouse
2.listen and number.
Key: 1. I like blue shirts. 
2. My father likes brown ones. 
3. My sister likes red ones.
4. We all like white shirts. 
5. My brother like black shoes.
3.Complete the sentences.
Key: 1.i 2.mon 4.dr 
4.Write the name in the blanks.
Key: 1. I like elephants.
2. Let’s go to the circus.
3. They like shoes.
5.Select and tick the letter A, B or C.
 1.C 2.B 3.C 4.B 5.C 
6.Write the answers. Key: 1.Why do you like elephants?
2.What colour are they? 4.What time is it?
3.How much are they? 5.Where do you go now? 
Week 17 Pre: 27/12/2011 
Period 33 Teaching: 29/12/2011-4A
Review for term I
-Skills: writing, speaking, reading and listening.
*Objective: Ss can say where they and the others are from, ask and answer when someone’s birthday is, congratulating on someone’s birthday, thanking and responding to thanks, apologizing, offering food or drink, accepting or refusing an offer, talking about abilities.
*Language focus:
I am from Vietnam.
He / She is late.
I / He / She can / can’t swim.
Can you swim? Yes, I can / No, I can’t.
Would you like an apple? Yes, please. / No, thanks.
When is your birthday? It is in May.
Where are you from? I’m from Vietnam.
Where is She /He from? She / He is from Singapore.
Where from England September June January apple please like
Who friend America December July May candy cream milk
-Vocabulary: where, when, would, can, America, Vietnam, England, Singapore, January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December, milk, apple, ice cream, candy, banana, in, from, swim, dance, ride, play.
*Teaching aids: CD disc, cassette, pictures, book
II.Lesson process.
1.Class organization.1’
2.Check up.6’
Asks ss to rpeat the knowlegde that they have learn.
a.Grammar: asks ss to say the using of these sentences.
Asks ss to work in pairs to practise these sentences.
Calls some ss to speak aloud and the others listen and comment.
b.Pronunciation: asks ss to repeat these words in chorus in the right way.
Calls some ss to read aloud and the others listen and comment.
Asks ss to say the meaning of these words.
c.Vocabulary: asks ss to read these words in chorus then one by one.
Calls some ss to read again.
Week 17 Pre: 28/12/2011 
Period 34 Teaching: 30/12/2011-4A
Review for term I
-Skills: writing, speaking, reading and listening.
*Objective: Ss can say the name and position of the objects in the classroom, count from eleven to twenty. Ask and answer about quanlity of the objects. Say the name of the days in a week. Ask and answer about the subjects they have and they like at school and activities during lessons. Say about the timetable.
*Language focus:
-Grammar: These/ Those are maps. They are on the wall.
How many pencils are there in the box? There are eighteen.
What subjects do you have today? / I have English and Maths.
Do you like Music? Yes, I do.
Why do you like Music? Because I like to sing.
When do you have English? I have it on Monday and Wednesday.
What do you do during English lessons? I learn to read and write in English.
These map six ship subject subject when Tuesday English
Those bag box shelf music select why Thursday fish
-Vocabulary: how many, when, what, why, map, pencil, pencil box, Maths, English, Informatics, Vietnamese, Science, Art, Music, Technology, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, learn, read write, draw, sing, interesting, difficult, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixtee, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty, in, on, near, because, but.
*Teaching aids: CD disc, cassette, pictures, book
II.Lesson process.
1.Class organization.1’
2.Check up.6’ Asks ss to rpeat the knowlegde that they have learn.
a.Grammar: asks ss to say the using of these sentences.
Asks ss to work in pairs to practise these sentences.
Calls some ss to speak aloud and the others listen and comment.
b.Pronunciation: asks ss to repeat these words in chorus in the right way.
Calls some ss to read aloud and the others listen and comment.
Asks ss to say the meaning of these words.
c.Vocabulary: asks ss to read these words in chorus then one by one.
Calls some ss to read again.

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