Giáo án Tiếng Anh lớp 3 kì 1

Giáo án Tiếng Anh lớp 3 kì 1



PERIOD 1 - SECTION A- 1,2,3.

I. Objectives.

- Greeting

- Introducing oneself

II. Language contents.

* Structures:

+Hello./ Hi.

+I'm Mai.


+ Hello: Xin chào

+ Hi: Xin chào

+ I: Tôi

+ Nam, Mai: Tên riêng người Việt Nam.

+ Li Li, Alan: Tên riêng người Singapore.


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Week 1 Monday , August 11th 2008 Monday, August 18th 2008
Unit 1
Period 1 - Section A- 1,2,3.
I. Objectives.
- Greeting
- Introducing oneself
II. Language contents.
* Structures:
+Hello./ Hi.
+I'm Mai.
+ Hello: Xin chào
+ Hi: Xin chào
+ I: Tôi
+ Nam, Mai: Tên riêng người Việt Nam.
+ Li Li, Alan: Tên riêng người Singapore.
 III. Teaching method:
Communicative method.
IV. Teaching aids.
Pictures , text book.
V. Procedures.
1. Organization.(1')
2. Check up: 
	3. New lesson:
Unit 1: Hello ( A1,2,3).
Teacher's activities
Students' activities
* Pre- stage:
1. Look, listen and repeat.
- Shows the picture at book and exploit their knowledge.
- Introduces the pictures to give new words .
* New words :
 + Hello: Xin chào
 + Hi: Xin chào
 + I: Tôi
 + Mai, Nam: Tên riêng người Việt Nam.
 + Li Li, Alan: Tên riêng người Singapore.
- Helps Ss read new words .
- Calls Ss to read.
- Corrects their mistakes.
- Reads the sentences. Then asks Ss listen and repeat.
- Explains the sentences 
-Asks Ss read in chorus and individual.
- Feedbacks, corrects , remarks.
* While- stage:
2. Look and say.
- Give structure and explain.
* Structure:
 + Hello (Hi). I'm Mai.
- Introduces the picture 
- Helps Ss to complete the dialogues about Alan, Li Li, Mai, Nam.
- Asks Ss some questions:
+ Who are they?
+ What their name?
+ Where are they from?
+What are they speaking? 
- Asks Ss practice in pairs
- Calls some pairs to practice
- Feedbacks, corrects , remarks.
* Post- stage:
3. Let's talk.
- Introduces the picture.
- Guides Ss ask and answer free
- Calls some pairs to speak.
- Feedbacks, corrects .
4. Consolidation.
- Asks Ss retell the content of the lesson.
5. Homework.
- Do the exercise 1+2
- Learn by heart the lesson.
- Prepare section A- 4,5,6,7.
- Look at the pictures and describe the picture.
- Listen and repeat.
- Read in chorus
- Read individual
- Read in chorus and individual
- Listen
- Read in chorus and individual
- Listen and repeat
- Listen and take note.
- Listen
- Answer
+Alan, Li Li , Mai, Nam.
+ Alan and Li Li come from Singapore.
+ Mai and Nam come from Viet Nam.
+ They are greeting and introducing their name.
- Work in pairs.
- Practice in front of the class.
- Look at the picture and remark
- One asks and the other answer .
- Speak in pairs.
- Speaking
- Listen and take note. Wednesday, August 13th 2008 Wednesday, August 20th 2008
Unit 1
Period 2 - Section A - 4,5,6,7.
I. Objectives:
Students will be able to listen about the greeting at pictures, pronunciation of words, write the sentences.
II. Language contents:
 * Review
- Structures: Hello/ Hi. I'm Mai.
- Pronunciation: Hi I
 Hello Hi
III. Teaching method:
 Communicative method
IV. Teaching aids:
Text book, pictures, study cards, sub board.
V. Procedures:
1. Organization: (1')
Who's absent today?
2. Check up:
T. calls 2 Ss to do exercise 2.
3. New lesson:
Week 2 Monday, August 13th 2008 Monday, August 20th 2008
Unit 1
Period 3 - Section B 1, 2, 3
I. Objective:
Ss continue learning the greeting, introducing oneself .
II. Language contents:
- Vocabularies: nice, meet, you.
- Structure: Nice to meet you.
III. Teaching method:
Communicate method 
IV. Teaching aids:
Text book, pictures.
V. Procedures:
1. Organization
Who's absent today? *3A:............................................................ 
*3B :............................................................
*3C :............................................................
2. Check up: No 
 3. New lesson:
Unit 1: Hello (B1,2,3).
Teacher's activities
Students' activities
* Pre - stage.
1. Listen and repeat.
- T introduces the picture on the book and asks Ss look , remark.
- T gives new words
* New words:
 + nice : Dễ chịu, hài lòng.
 + meet : gặp
- T guides Ss read new words
- T reads the sentences. Then asks Ss listen and repeat.
- T explains the sentences.
- T asks Ss read in chorus and individual.
- T feedbacks, corrects, remarks.
* While - stage.
2. Let's talk:
- T gives structure and explain.
* Structure: Nice to meet you.
'' Nice to meet you, too'' .Use to answer the sentence " Nice to meet you."
- T introduces the pictures.
- T guides Ss practice.
- T calls some pairs to practice in front of the class.
- T feedbacks, corrects, remarks.
* Post - stage.
3. Listen and number.
- T shows the pictures and asks Ss look at it , remark.
- T reads the sentences 2 times.
 1. Hello. I am Nam.
 2. A: Hi. I'm Alan.
 B: Hi, Alan. I'm Li Li.
 3. A: Hi, I'm Mai.
 B: Hello. I'm Alan.
 A: Nice to meet you, Alan.
 B: Nice to meet you, Mai.
- T asks Ss to give the key.
- T reads the sentences again.
- T feedbacks, corrects, remarks.
* Key:
a. 3 b. 1 c. 2
 4. Consolidation:
- Asks Ss retell the content of the lesson.
 5. Homework:
- To learn by heart new words and structure.
- To do exercise 5
- To prepare section B 4,5,6,7
- Ss look at it and give the remark
- Ss listen and repeat.
- Ss read in chorus and individual.
- Ss listen and repeat.
- Ss listen
- Ss read in chorus and individual.
- Ss listen and repeat.
- Ss listen and take note.
- Ss look at it and give the remark.
- Ss work in pairs
- Practice in front of the class.
- Ss look at the picture and give the remark.
- Ss listen and number
- Ss give the key
- Ss listen and correct.
- Some Ss tell about structure, new words 
- Ss listen and take note. Wednesday, August 18 th 2008 Wednesday, August 20 th 2008
Unit 1
Period 3 - Section B - 4,5,6,7
I. Objectives:
Students will be able to read and write about the greeting 
II. Language contents:
 * Review
- Structures: Hello/ Hi. I'm Mai.
 	 Nice to meet you 
III. Teaching method:
 Communicative method
IV. Teaching aids:
Text book, pictures, study cards, sub board.
V. Procedures:
1. Organization: (1')
Who's absent today?
2. Check up:
T. calls 2 Ss to do exercise 4.
3. New lesson:
Teacher's activities
Students' activities
* Pre - stage.
4. Read and match. 
-T introduces the pictures at book and exploit their knowledge.
- Reads the dialogue and asks Ss listen, repeat.
- Calls some Ss to read the dialogue. 
- Guides the way to read and match.
- Asks Ss to give the result.
- Corrects and gives the key. 
* Keys:
1. b 2. a
 * While - stage
5. Let's write. 
- Guides Ss review the structures
- Gives the study cards and asks Ss to complete. Calls 2 Ss go to the board to write the complete sentences.
- Corrects their mistake and gives mark.
6. Let's play.
- Explains the way to play." Greeting and introducing oneself."
- Asks Ss work in groups.
- Calls some groups speaking.
* Post - stage.
7. Summary 
- Hangs the sub board and retell.
- Asks Ss practice in pair
 4. Consolidation:
- Repeat the content of the
 5. - Homework:
- Learn by heart the lesson.
 Prepare Unit 2- A 1,2,3
- Ss look at the pictures, describe the pictures
- Ss listen and repeat.
- Read
- Work in pairs.
- Ss give the key.
- Ss listen and correct.
- Review the structures.
+ Hello. I'm.
+ Nice to meet you.
- Write individual on the study card.
- 2 Ss write on the board.
- Listen
- Work in groups
- Speaking and the other groups listen, correct.
- Look at the sub board and repeat.
- Practice in pair
- Speaking
- Listen and take note
Week 3 Monday, August 25 th 2008 Monday, September 1st 2008
Unit 2
Thank you
Period 5 - Section A 1, 2, 3.
I. Objectives:
 By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to talk about the greeting.
II. Language content:
* Vocabularies:
How, fine, thank, and.
* Structures:
+ How are you?
I'm fine./ Fine.
Thank you./ Thanks.
III. Teaching method:
Communicative method 
IV. Teaching aids:
Text book, sub board, pictures.
V. New lesson:
 1. Organization. 1')
Who's absent today?
 2. Check up: No
 3. New lesson: 
Teacher's activities
Students' activities
* Pre - stage.
1. Look, listen and repeat.
- Shows the picture at the book.
- Introduces the picture to give new words 
* New words:
+ how: như thế nào
+ fine: tốt, khoẻ.
+ thank: cám ơn
+ and: và
- Guides Ss read new words.
- Reads the sentences. Then asks Ss listen and repeat.
- Explains the sentences.
- Asks Ss read in chorus and individual.
- Feedbacks, corrects, remarks. 
* While - stage.
2. Look and say.
- Gives structure and explains.
* Structure:
 How are you?
 I'm fine. /Fine.
 Thank you. / Thanks.
- Shows the picture at book and asks Ss look and work in pairs. 
- Calls some pairs to speak.
- Feedbacks, corrects, remarks. 
* Key.
 How are you, Li Li?
 I'm fine, thank you.
 How are you, Alan?
 Fine, thanks.
* Post - stage.
3 Let's talk.
- Helps Ss ask and answer about health.
- Calls some pairs to speak.
- Feedbacks, corrects, remarks. 
 4. Consolidation:
Asks Ss to retell the content of the lesson.
 5. Homework:
- Asks Ss to learn by heart new words and structure.
+ Prepare section A 4,5, 6, 7. 
- Look at it and give remark.
- Listen and repeat.
- Read in chorus and individual.
- Listen
- Read in chorus and individual.
- Listen and take note.
- Look at the picture an ... w
 - Structure:
 A: Is it big?
 B: Yes, it is.
 - Pronunciation: 
school big this
small book that
III. Teaching methods.
Communicative method
IV. Teaching aids.
Text book, pictures, study card, sub board.
V. Procedures.
1. Organization (1')
 Who's absent today?	 3A................................................................
2. Check up: (2') 
 Calls some Ss introducing the school objects.
 3. New lesson:
Teacher's activities
Students' activities
* Pre - stage.
4. Listen and check.
- Shows the pictures at book and exploit their knowledge.
- Reads the dialogues 2 times.
 * Lời bài nghe.
1. A: Look, this is my pen.
B: Is it big?
A: No, it isn't. It's small.
2. A: Look, this is my ruler.
B: Is it big?
A: Yes, it is.
- Calls Ss to give the keys.
- Reads the dialogues again 1 time
- Feedbacks, corrects, remarks. 
* Keys. 
1 b
2 b
* While - stage.
5. Say it right.
- Gives the sub board to write the words on the book. And reads 1 time.
 school big this
 small book that
-Asks Ss to look and comment the bold letters.
- Reads first and guides Ss reading.
- Feedbacks, corrects, remarks. 
6. Let's write.
- Guides Ss review structures.
- Gives study card and complete sentences.
- Feedbacks, corrects, remarks. 
* Sample key.
1, This is my classroom. It is small.
2. A: Is your book big?
 B: Yes, it is.
* Post - stage.
 7. Read aloud.
- Read the poem 1 time. Then 
- Guides Ss the way to read. 
- Asks Ss to practice in pair.
- Calls Ss to read 
- Feedbacks and remarks.
4. Consolidation.
Asks Ss retell the content of the lesson.
5 Home work:
- Do the exercise 3,4.
- Learn by heart the lesson.
- Prepare unit 6- section B 1,2, 3 
- Look at the pictures, describe the pictures.
- Listen and tick
- Listen and correct.
- Look at the board and listen
- Look and comment.
- Listen, repeat it right.
- Read in chorus and individual.
- Review structures
 + This is my school. It is big.
 + Is youe book big?
 Yes, it is. ( No it isn't).
- Work individual.
- Listen 
- Listen and repeat. 
- Work in pair.
- Read individual.
- Speaking.
- Listen and take note. Wednesday, November 26 th 2008. Wednesday, December 3 rd 2008.
Unit 6
 my classroom
Period 28 - Section- B 1,2,3
I. Objectives.
- Expressing classroom commands and permissions.
II. Language contents:
* Vocabularies:
 open, close, sure, not sure, go out, come in, sit down, stand up, may.
* Structures:
A: May I go out? 
B: Sure
+ Open your book, please.
+ Close your book, please.
III. Teaching methods:
Communicative method
IV. Teaching aids:
Text book, pictures.
V. Procedures:
1. Organization. (1')
 How are you? 
 Who's absent today?	 3A................................................................
 2. Check up: (2')
Calls 2 pairs to introduce school objects. 
 3. New lesson: 
Teacher's activities
Students' activities
* Pre - stage.
1. Listen and repeat.
- Shows the pictures at book and exploit their knowledge.
- Introduces the pictures to give new words.
* New words 
 + open: mở
 + close: đóng, gập
 + sure: đồng ý
 + not sure: không đồng ý.
 + go out: ra ngoài
 + come in: vàva
 + may: có thể
- Guides Ss read new words. 
- Reads the sentences. Then asks Ss listen and repeat.
- Explains the sentences.
- Asks Ss to read in chorus and individual.
- Feedbacks, corrects, remarks. 
* While - stage.
2. Let's talk
- To introdure the pictures and ask Ss to look at and remark.
- To give and guide Ss to read new words.
* New words:
 + Sit down: ngồi xuống 
 + Stand up: đứng lên
- Gives new structures and explains . 
* Structures.
 + Open your book, please.
 + Close your book, please.
 A: May I go out?
 B: Sure.
- Guides Ss read. 
- Asks Ss to look at the pictures and practice in pair.
- Calls some Ss to talk in front of the class.
- Feedbacks, corrects and remarks.
* Post - stage.
3. Listen and number
- Shows the pictures and asks Ss look at it and remark.
- Play the tape 2 times.
* Lời bài nghe.
 1. Open your book.
2. Close your book.
3. Stand up.
4. Sit down.
- Asks Ss to give the key.
- Plays the tape again 1 time.
- Feedbacks, corrects and remarks.
* Key
 a. 2 b. 1 c. 3 d. 4
 4. Consolidation:
Asks Ss to retell the content of the lesson.
 5. Homework:
Asks Ss to learn by heart the lesson, to do exercise, to prepare unit 6 - section B 4,5,6,7.
- Look at the pictures and describe the pictures.
- Listen and repeat
- Read in chorus and individual.
- Listen
- Read in chorus and individual
- Listen and repeat.
- Look at the pictures and remark.
- Listen and repeat 
- Listen and take note.
- Read in chorus.
- Work in pair
- Speaking and the other Ss listen and remark.
- Look at the pictures and give the remark.
- Listen and number.
- Give the key.
- Listen and correct.
- Speaking
- Listen and take note.
Week 15,December 1 st 2008 Monday, December 8 th 2008
Unit 6
 my classroom
Period 29 - Section B - 4,5,6,7 
I. Objectives:
- Students will be able to read and write about school objects, to express classroom commands and permissions.
II. Language contents:
 * Review
- Structures: 
A: Is your book big?
B: Yes, it is 
 (No, it isn't.)
A: May I go out?
B: Sure.
 ( Not sure).
+ Open your book, please.
+ Close your book, please.
III. Teaching method:
 Communicative method
IV. Teaching aids:
Text book, pictures, study cards, sub board.
V. Procedures:
1. Organization: (1')
Who's absent today?
2. Check up: (2')
T. calls 2 Ss to do exercise 6.
3. New lesson:
Teacher's activities
Students' activities
* Pre - stage.
4. Read and match. 
-T introduces the pictures at book and exploit their knowledge.
- Reads the sentences and asks Ss listen, repeat.
- Calls some Ss to read the sentences.
- Guides the way to read and match.
- Asks Ss to give the result.
- Corrects and gives the key. 
* Keys:
 1. c
 2. a 
 3. b 	
* While - stage.
5. Let's write. 
- Guides Ss review the structures to introduce about the school objects. 
- Guides Ss write about their school objects. 
- Gives the study cards and asks Ss to complete. Calls 1 Ss go to the board to write. 
- Corrects their mistake and gives mark.
6. Let's play.
- Asks Ss toplay the game: " Crossword Puzzle". 
- Hangs out the sub board and explains the way to play.
- Asks Ss to look at the pictures and guess the word then fill the letters in the blanks.
- Calls Ss to give the key.
- Feedbacks and corrects.
 * Key:
 1. bOOK
 2. Bag
 3. classroom
 4. library
 5. school
* Post - stage.
7. Summary. 
- Asks Ss to retell the structures which is learned in unit 6.
- Hangs the sub board and read in chorus.
- Asks Ss to practice in pairs.
- Feedbacks and corrects.
4. Consolidation:
- Repeat the content of the
5. - Homework:
- Asks Ss to learn by heart the lesson. And prepare self check 2.
- Ss look at and describe it. 
- Ss listen and repeat.
- Read in chorus.
- Work in pairs.
- Ss give the key.
- Ss listen and correct.
- Review the structures.
 This is my book.
It's big/small.
- Write individual on the study card.
- A Ss write on the board.
- Sing a English alphabet song.
- Listen and take note.
- Work in groups. 
- Speaking 
- Speaking
- Reading in chorus.
- Speaking
- Speaking
- Listen and take note.
Week 18 Monday,January 2009 Monday, January 2009
 Final Test
( Term I)
I. Objectives
- Helping Ss to remark their study result after learning term I.
II. Language contents: 
III. Teaching method.
IV. Teaching aid.
 	Teaching plan.
V. Procedures.
1. Organization 
 Who's absent today?
2. Check up:
 	3. New lesson:
Teacher's activities
Students' activities
- Guides Ss to do the final test well.
1. Check the words you hear.
1, I Hi
2, see read
3, meet repeat
4, he she
5, school classroom
2. Listen and number ( 5 points)
a. This is my book.
b. Sit down, please.
c. Good morning.
d. Open your book, please.
e. Stand up, please. 
3. Complete the sentences.
1, What's yo_r name?
2, Nice to me_t you.
3, She's my frie_d.
4, This is my sch_ _l.
5, Is your book b_g. 
4. Circle the odd one out. (5 points )
1, hello hi bye nice
2, open close sit ruler
3, book big pen eraser 
4, please she he you
5, school classroom library Li Li
5. Select and tick the lettet A,B or C. (5 points ).
 1, Stand _____, please.
 A. up B. down C. not
 2, ______ I come in?
 A. Mai B. My C. May
 3, That's Linda. _____ is my friend.
6. Complete the dialogues. ( 5 points).
* Key.
1. Check the words you hear. ( 5 points).
1, fine
2, thank
3, later
4, meet
5, goodbye.
2.Listen and number( 5 points ).
a. 5
b. 4
c. 2
d. 3
e. 1
3. Complete the sentences. ( 5 points)
1. Hello, Alan.
2, What's your name?
3, How are you?
4, I am fine. Thank you.
5, See you later.
4. Circle the odd one out. ( 5 points)
1, hello
2, I
3, you
4, me
5, thanks
5. Select and tick the letter A,B or C. ( 5 points)
1, C
2, A
3, A
4, B
5, A
6. Complete the dialogues. ( 5 points)
1, How
2, Thank
3, Fine
4, name
5, My.
 4. Consolidation.
- The teacher get back its test.
 5. Homework.
- Asks Ss to prepare unit 4 - section A1,2,3.
- Work individual.
- Listen and tick the letter you hear. 
- Listen and number.
- Read and complete the sentences.
- Read and circle the odd one out.
- Read and select, tick the letter A, B, or C.
- Read and complete the dialogues.
- Speaking
- Listen and take note

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